Kamala Harris
I’m running for President of the United States to continue protecting our freedoms, delivering justice, and expanding opportunity so that every American can not just get by, but get ahead.
The Biden-Harris administration has achieved a historic record of accomplishment, including: bringing our economy back from the brink of disaster to create nearly 16 million new jobs; investing over $1 trillion in infrastructure projects like repairing roads and bridges, removing every lead pipe in America, improving public transit, and expanding access to high-speed internet; strengthening the Affordable Care Act and lowering health insurance premiums to save millions of Americans an average of $800 per year; expanding health care for veterans exposed to toxins; enacting the first meaningful gun safety reform in decades and bringing violent crime down to a near 50-year low; passing the largest-ever investment in tackling the climate crisis; and appointing the first Black woman to the United States Supreme Court.
Bob Casey
With so much on the line for Pennsylvania’s working families, Bob Casey is ready to keep delivering results for Pennsylvania. He’s working to cut through the gridlock, stand up to powerful corporate special interests, and make the lives of hardworking Pennsylvanians a little bit easier.
Eugene DePasquale
Just like any Pennsylvanian, Eugene doesn’t back down from a tough fight. Whether it’s standing up for women’s reproductive freedoms, taking on police bureaucracy to reduce backlogs in untested rape kits, or holding polluters accountable for dirtying our air and water, Eugene has your back.
He’s earned a reputation as a transparent, independent watchdog of the taxpayer’s money.
Eugene, as a former state legislator and two-term Auditor General has a record of protecting Pennsylvanians by taking on tough challenges and holding each party accountable.
Malcolm Kenyatta
I’m running for Auditor General because it’s time for the underdog to be a watchdog for Pennsylvania’s working families.To ask the tough questions, to help reimagine and streamline government, and to help build the coalitions to fix what’s wrong. It’s what I’ve done as a State Representative for nearly five years, working to protect workers' rights, enact common-sense gun safety policies, and root out government corruption and waste. I’ve had multiple legislative leadership roles: as a member of the powerful State Government Committee with oversight on state agencies and elections, minority Chair of the Subcommittee on Campaign Finance and Elections, minority Chair of Automation and Technology in the Committee on Commerce, and a member of the Finance Committee.
Erin McClelland
I'm running for PA State Treasurer because I think it’s time we elect a responsible, honest broker to oversee the Commonwealth’s Treasury who is committed to rebuilding our state’s supply chain with transparency and integrity. I will manage our taxpayer’s coffers with diligence and accountability.
I have thoroughly enjoyed starting and operating a small business and working to improve government systems, processes, and policies while advocating for our public sector workers.
Amanda Waldman
I'm running for U.S. House of Representatives in Pennsylvania's 9th Congressional District. While working in Harrisburg for the Office of the Lieutenant Governor, I saw firsthand just how dysfunctional our government can be. I’ve watched as people’s priorities were disregarded and common sense legislation never even made it to a vote, making life harder for us in rural Pennsylvania. I’m tired of status quo politicians telling the people what their lives are like and what they need, instead of listening to us. I will represent everyone, regardless of political party,
My name is Deborah Adoff, and I’m running for PA State Representative from the 116. As a retired court stenographer, I have watched respect for our court system and our elections plummet in the last four years. Those who lose elections now simply claim it was rigged and continue to erode the people’s trust in our institutions.
I’m running for congress to offer progressive solutions for today’s issues.
This means protecting women’s reproductive choice, protecting LGBTQ rights, protecting our environment, Social Security and Medicare, increasing the PA minimum wage, supporting Governor Shapiro’s proposed $1,000 tuition cap at state-owned universities and community colleges, supporting social programs, and fixing the immigration system. If these things are important to you, I am asking for your vote.
Schuylkill County is the home my family and I have chosen, and I see nothing but potential in the region’s future. I also, however, see the struggles experienced by the individuals and families who live and work here. To my mind, the role of the government should be to work for the people, to give them the opportunity and support they need to truly pursue their happiness. Our representative needs to champion all of our rights, not just the ones he agrees with or that profit him personally. Our representative needs to safeguard our environment and our lives, not sell our land, air, water, and health to the highest bidder. Our representative needs to ensure that every public dollar earmarked for education goes to public schools, not to private, for-profit institutions, and that they are funded fairly, equitably, and legally. As your representative, my promise to you is to fight tirelessly to ensure the people of Schuylkill County, and not just the monied interests, are given their due voice in Harrisburg. Together, we can guarantee a better tomorrow for us all.
I'm a "Dem" which to me means standing up, speaking out, and defending Democracy, Equality, & Mother Earth.
I stand for Democracy over Autocracy. I stand for Equality for ALL over equality for some. I stand for Mother Earth over the self serving interests of environmentally irresponsible industries.
I’m tired of We the People being ignored. Our PA House of Representatives seat has been held by five status quo male republican politicians for over 55 years. That's over ten decades of the residents of the 124th being pushed aside in favor of corporations and industries that fill the status quo's pockets with unchecked and unreported lobbyist dollars.
It's time to take back our 124th seat for us, the struggling, the long ignored people of our area. “It's time for a NEW DAY, NEW WAY with USCG Veteran Tina Burns”.
Zugarek’s decision to run for the Pennsylvania Senate District 29 is driven by a deep concern for the challenges facing local communities. Over the past five years, he has witnessed the struggles of these communities in providing essential services such as roads, police, and emergency services amid rising costs and a shortage of volunteers. Key issues on John Zugarek’s radar include the recent court ruling deeming the current education funding system unconstitutional, the sustainability of essential services in small communities, and the evolving landscape of rural healthcare as local hospitals close their doors.