Sheriff: 4-year term
District Attorney: 4-year term
Mayors: 4-year term
Council Members: 4-year terms, and two year terms (depends on municipality)
Tax Collectors: 4-year term, one per municipality
Township Supervisors: 4 -year term, the number elected varies by township
Township Auditors: 6-year term, one per township
County Judges: 10-year term, elected when there are vacancies or mandatory retirements, may cross-file
Magisterial District Judges: 6-year term, elected when there are vacancies, may cross-file
School Directors: 4-year term, typically 4 or 5 seats are up in a district, may-cross file
Judges of Election & Inspectors of Elections: 4-year term, one judge and 2 inspectors per ward
Note: Statewide judges elected in 2015 are up for retention votes this year! All Democrats, vote yes to retain.
There are also vacancies on the Commonwealth Court and Superior Court.
Candidates who do not successfully file nominating petitions can still launch a “write-in” campaign to win the Democratic primary and, thus, get onto the ballot for the general election. To win a write in campaign, you will need to campaign prior to the primary and you will need poll greeters to cover all of the relevant polls to hand out literature for you. (For votes to count, your name must be spelled correctly!)
Depending on the office, and the competition for it, it may be possible to launch a write-in campaign in the general election.