SCDC is looking for local leaders in each of our 125 voting precincts. Our goal is to have 3 committee persons — a man, a woman, and a third person of any gender — plus volunteers in each precinct to rebuild our party. Each team will distribute information once a year to all of their fellow Democrats in their voting precinct. They in turn can become more active by joining one of our regional clubs by visiting our Dems in Skook page.
Please review the list below. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us.
The Precinct Committee Person Position is an elected office. However, that does not mean it is a full-time activity. We ask that you and other volunteers in your precinct, participate in three main activities per year:
1. Take candidate signs to your precinct during the Primary and organize volunteers for poll watching inside the precinct; and also, for handing out candidate material outside of the precinct.
2. Beginning in August, obtain the list of Democrats in your precinct by contacting us here. You and volunteers will canvass and meet with them. If a precinct has 100 households, you and 4 volunteers would quickly go to 20 households each with information from the committee person and candidate literature.
3. Take candidate signs to your precinct during the November General Election and organize volunteers for poll watching inside the precinct; and also, for handing out candidate material outside of the precinct.
Official SCDC Memo About Democratic Committee Persons
This memo describes the responsibilities of Democratic Committee Persons in each Election Precinct in Schuylkill County. The term of office for a Committee person is four (4) years which begins with the election in the year when the Governor is elected (that was 2014). The election for District Precinct Committee Person occurs at the Primary Election and candidates must register for the ballot for that Primary. The position of the Committee Chair Person is created pursuant to the By-Laws of the State Democratic Committee, as well as the Rules of the Schuylkill County Democratic Committee. Where a vacancy occurs during the Committee Person’s term, the Democratic County Chair appoints a qualified person to fill in the remaining term.
Elected Committee Persons have several responsibilities. They include the following:
1. Organizing and leading the Democratic Party and managing the Election Campaign in support of the endorsed Democratic Candidates within the Precinct;
2. Organizing the Primary and General Election participation by Democratic voters in each year;
3. To represent the Democratic Party as its leader in the Precinct;
4. To lead in the registration of democratic Voters in the Precinct;
5. To assist voters in obtaining and filing Absentee Ballots;
6. Participation in fund raising to support the endorsed Democratic Candidates within the Chair Person’s Precinct;
7. In larger communities, to elect a local Democratic Chair.
In so far as participation in the organization of the Schuylkill County Democratic Party, the Committee Persons are responsible for electing the County Chair once every (4) years and attending the annual Schuylkill County Democratic Committee Convention, as well as any special conventions called by the Democratic County Chair. In this capacity, the Committee Person is the liaison with the Schuylkill County Executive Committee and Schuylkill County Party Chair. Each Committee Person is expected to participate in these responsibilities and if unavailable to attend the County Convention, the Committee Person may recommend to the County Democratic Party Chair as an alternate, a registered Democrat residing in the Committee Person’s Precinct who may attend the Convention as the Committee Person’s proxy.
The primary function of each Committee Person is to organize the Democratic Campaign within the person’s Precinct and to make sure that the maximum number of Democratic voters actually vote in each election. The Committee Person may have as many assistants as are necessary to help accomplish this task. The responsibility includes getting Democratic voters to the polls on Election Day, monitoring the election activities in the Committee Person’s Precinct and reporting any irregularities that are observed during the voting to the Schuylkill County Democratic Party Chair. In accomplishing these tasks, each Committee Person will be provided with a street list of the Democratic voters to the polls where it is determined they have not voted. This should also include, where necessary, providing transportation to and from the voting poll for Democratic electors. In addition, the Committee Person may assist other voters who indicate they will be voting for Democratic Candidates in getting to the polls.
Prior to each election the Committee Person is responsible for providing absentee electors with absentee ballots and ensuring that those ballots are duly filed in accordance with the appropriate filing deadlines. Committee Persons for multiple Precincts in a particular Municipality should coordinate their efforts with each other so that their efforts are unified.
Throughout each election cycle the Committee Person is responsible for enlisting and encouraging Democratic Candidates to seek election for local offices. In this process, the Committee Person should assist individuals who want to be candidates in filing their Nominating Petition so that they can be placed on the Primary Ballot.
(Only for local municipal elections – school board, borough council, etc.) To a limited extent, but in so far as is reasonably possible, Committee Persons should lead in the solicitation of financial contributions so that the candidates in that district will have financial support. This responsibility includes soliciting major businesses, prominent individuals and the general public for contributions to campaign funds. In addition, the Committee Person is responsible for ensuring that, where applicable, the filing of financial campaign reports by the candidate is made in accordance with the filing schedule set forth by the Schuylkill County Election Bureau.