What office(s) CAN I run for in 2025?
What office SHOULD I run for?
Should you run for office?
Who can help you run for office?
Who in the community can help you?
WHY are you running for office?
What additional questions do you have?
What is holding you back from running?
What do you still need to run?
Email Todd at toddpzimmerman@yahoo.com. Christine Marmas is the ultimate authority on all things to do with elections for the Schuylkill Election Bureau. Her number is 570-628-1467 and her email address is cmarmas@schuylkillcountypa.gov.
February 18th
First day to circulate and file nomination petitions
March 11th
Last day to circulate and file nomination petitions.
March 12th
First day to circulate and file nomination papers
March 18th
Last day to file objections to nomination petitions
March 19th
Ballot lottery
March 26th
Last day for withdrawal by candidates who filed nomination petitions
May 27th
Last day for County Boards of Elections to receive voted military and overseas absentee ballots (submitted for delivery no later than 11:59 P.M. on May 19)
August 1st
Last day to circulate and file nomination papers
August 8th
Last day to file objections to nomination papers
August 8th
Last day for withdrawal by candidates nominated by nomination papers
August 11th
Last day for withdrawal by candidates nominated at the primary